Monday, March 10, 2008

Free wordpress theme - Sign of the Nature

Wordpress themes nowadays seem to look a lot like each other except for easily customizable features such as the font and images. Because of that, the themes somehow fail in giving a blog its own unique identity. But the story’s different with the theme called Sign of the Nature. Why? Because its designers decided to put an image of a pumpkin and a robot on the header, that’s why. Now who would have thought they would look good together?

Anyway, discussion of pumpkins and robots aside, let’s look at the functionality of the theme as well as the pros and cons.


Blogs are meant to be read and there’s no better way of encouraging visitors to do so than by making the colors easy on the eyes. Light browns and greens make a good contrast against the black font which makes the content of the blog highly-readable.

Meanwhile, readers can easily subscribe to the blog by clicking on the image of the robot on the header (now that explains the presence of the robot there!). The seemingly out-of-place robot and the words ‘subscribe to’ really grab the readers’ attention and persuade them to subscribe.


For all the clean looks and straightforward features that the theme offers, there are a few things that it could still improve upon.

First, there’s the font. They tend to be too small for people who have problems with their eyesight. Therefore an option to choose a font size would come in handy on this one.

The theme could also use a search box somewhere on the layout to help readers find particular things that they may be looking for.

But in sum, the theme is great in terms of looks and features that can appeal to basic Wordpress users.

Here’s a link to the theme’s live demo and here’s the download link.

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